Online Diary ztyrsln: Real one stays because we live in reality , not fantasy

Real one stays because we live in reality , not fantasy

Bismillah ,
Assalamualaikum :')
It's 2.43 am right now and i'm updating my blog.Woohooh zaty is an owl -,-" hehe!
I thought I would write something since pepagi buta ni hati tenang layan zikrullah kat youtube.memacam ada. suara diorang vavavvoom ya Allah.Anyway. I love writing,so basically ni bukan tempat aku berdebat ke apa. but it's all about my stories ans writing. I don't ask people to like it . but i really appreciate to those yang enjoy my writing. Hope some of my entries bagi message yang baik baik lah ye.

What i'm going to talk about for this entry? *angkat angkat kening*
About friends or those who used to be/still being so close with us . Very general huh? No , not talking about anyone . This stuff is very matter to me since i have a friends , since when? since i was a baby? eh yeah who knows.

Hm we always have at least that one person who used to be so close with close. But tulah , kuasa Allah , ada orang yang kekal bersama kita and ada yang tak. If it's about family , family stays, always as a family. but friends do come and go. Ada yang dah tak rapat because of pernah fight ke , ada pasal lain tempat belajar jauh, ada pasal masa and semua kuasa Allah. Sometimes we did our best but still , jodoh tak memihak kat kita. but in this case , what we can do is give our best and let Allah settle everything.

It's hard to forget the memories , it's even harder to forget ,to delete the people who included in those moments. It's easy to forgive ,hard to forget.  but when you forgive , forget about it. okay obviously you won't . but be easy. everybody makes mistake. in any friendship pun.kita selalu diingatkan to give and take and be honest.

Why is it so hard to forget something hurtful? because Allah wants us to learn from it and make us utterly stronger.
We still survive today because Allah has given us a lot of tests in our life. To make us stronger and to teach us the value of something valuable? haha means that we 'll know the value of someone/something that is good to us. For us to appreciate more. How pulak losing someone teach us? Hm , for us to muhasabah diri maybe? Allah nak bagi kita hidayah and nikmat dalam banyak cara. takde kemanisan tanpa melalui kepahitan. Sometimes kita terlalu selesa dengan kedudukan kita sampai lupa. Lupa nak mensyukuri apa yang dah Allah bagi kita.and salah satu cara uji kita habis habisan is pasal kawan,orang yang kita sayang.

Forgive and forget . even if it's hard to forget but be mature,think wise. Holding grudge won't lead you anywhere.
Forgive and forget bersihkan hati. kalau kita maafkan and tak forget.kita still berdendam lah kan? but , if kita ingat ingat.doakan lah yang terbaik untuk semua. mengingati untuk belajar kesilapan then insyaAllah would be fine. Orang kata , cakap senang ah. Dude , aku pun manusia. aku pernah melalui macam macam jugak. but we have no right lah. and oh about friends tu , dalam hidup macam2 friends kan ada. Kita pulak mampu bagi yang terbaik. mestilah ada salah silap. sit down and talk , real friends talk with us to settle the problem , not talking behind us.  Aku pernah je menangis pasal kawan . mak pesan , "kita tak mampu nak faham semua kawan kita,and tentu lah bukan semua kawan faham kita".that's why in order to get a good friend,we have to try to be a good friend . No matter what , try to think positive about our friends,bersangka baik dengan orang insyaAllah bawa kepada bersangka baik dengan Allah punya plan. Heartbreaks (term untuk segala jenis cinta) ni nampak je buruk habis but then ,  Allah bagi kita jumpa orang yang buat kita heartbroken sebab nak ingatkan kita lah. but tulah aku pun ingatkan diri aku , kalau orang tu,or kawan kita tu yang terbaik buat kita. bagilah dia pada waktu yang terbaik. kalau tak di dunia ,kat akhirat. Sebab apa tau,Allah ambik sesuatu or seseorang tu dari kita and biar kita melalui sakit tu and Allah akan gantikan yang lebih baik. unexpected. Allah kan is the best .

Yang pasti , everything happens for a reason . in order for us to be a better person and get a better thing in life. AllahuAllah , He's the almighty. in whatever we do , insyaAllah.give our best ,mohon petunjuk darinya.,mohon iman yang kuat. Wallahua'lam. Oh btw , friends yang bawak kepada kebaikan insyaAllah jodoh sampai ke syurga. See ya friends!

Not everyone likes you . In every number who likes you , there will always 1% who doesn't like you for who you are. Be real. Be good. Why bother ? Focus on those who need us . Don't neglect those who appreciate us just because we focused on those who don't like us. Appreciate to be appreciated.We live for Allah , not people. Love For Allah is the major key of Human Love.
ceh kengkonon berfalsafah pulak zaty. haha no ,just some of my thoughts .reminder khas untuk diri sendiri and orang lain. saja nak bagi gedabak gedabak.ehhee forgive me if there's any salah silap.

Sincerely, Zaty Roslan
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